...but this is what I can remember:

We'd been working on Jackdaw2 since the beginning of the year, but it all kicked-off big-time on Friday 12th.
I took the Unimog to work on Friday, not your average commuter vehicle but there was method in my madness. At 4.00pm I finished work and drove to Colchester Arts Centre, where Mark had very kindly offered to hire us some AliDeck staging at a VERY reasonable price - thankyou Mark! Lolly and Baz helped to get the sections into the back of the Mog, and we then drove to The Arena and started to unload and assemble the stage. Andy, Nigel and Ros turned-up at about 8.00pm, just as the stage was nearing completion, and they commenced to unload their sound rig and impressive lights.
We were hoping to make a start in the other room (Yellow Stage) but there was a function in there so we had to wait. We called it a day at 1.00am Saturday morning. Off home for a sleep.
Later that same morning... we were back at The Arena by 8.00am, only to find we were still unable to start setting-up the Yellow Stage because the disco equipment from the previous night's party was still there. We decided to concentrate on other things while someone contacted the owner. Thankfully, this wasn't required because the owner turned-up soon after and took all his stuff away. Martin, Tim, Brenda and Tim were there, lugging gear and being very helpful. Kayleigh arrived and she and Baz did complicated things with sound equipment.
Midday approached, we were starting to apply the finishing touches and people were already turning-up! Lolly completed her kool display of big posters in the foyer and Andrea and Frankie manned reception.
Jackdaw2 is go!
Krankschaft kicked-off the proceedings on the Green Stage. I went off to find a video camera, came back and filmed one track. I then went over to the Yellow Stage, where Meson had just started their set. It sounded good so I filmed a number by them as well. The video camera then died. Oops! No more filming for me then. Bands were arriving thick and fast, but Tim was worried that the next group on his stage weren't on the scene yet. They soon turned-up though, and everything was calm again (for a few minutes at least).
The next act I managed to catch was The Higher Craft, whose drummer gave our drum kit such a severe beating I thought it wouldn't survive. It did - just - and he told me afterwards that it was a nice kit.
Next up was Mark Jenkins, playing on iPads. He also jammed with the next group, Mother Sky. I seemed to be catching snippets only, but what I did manage to hear was really good.
I decided to actually stop and listen to some music at this point, so I went back to the Green Stage and watched Underground Zer0 take the stage. I had joked with their drummer beforehand that he had too many drums, but he used them all to full effect up there and, along with the rest of the band, they gave us a real treat. I didn't manage to catch all of their set though, because we lost a volunteer at this point and I had to find cover. This done, I went back and caught the end of a truly awesome set. I had to then confess to a very sweaty drummer that he didn't have too many drums!
More running around and I was forced to eat something (first time today) in the backstage area with some of the performers and crew. We then asked Irvine The Space Bard to draw raffle tickets for us. Prizes were CDs and T-shirts donated by the bands, plus a Jackdaw T-shirt signed by everyone. A few more bits and pieces to do and Space Ritual were starting their set. I thought it'd be a good idea to put on the Jackdaw costume, which Lolly had made to promote the event. I wasn't prepared for what happened next though: just as I was making my way through the audience Nik Turner asked me to join him on stage for "Ejection" - so I was led up onto the stage in the outfit. I couldn't see a thing and it was So HOT! Note to self: the next Jackdaw head needs to be a bit lighter, or don't wear it when The Mighty Thunder Rider is around. I could feel someone touching me while I was up there; I just hope it was Angel, he he!
I got back into the audience and took off the outfit having lost a few kilos in sweat. Space Ritual finished their set and it was goodnight everyone.
Backstage for some thank-yous and a surprise birthday cake for a friend of ours. People started to drift away and Andy's team started to dismantle their gear. We got to bed at about 3.45 Sunday morning.
Back at The Arena by 9.00am - looking like zombies. One or two people had camped in the car park, and one very helpful chap offered to help us clear up. We dismantled the stage and made a few trips back and forth with gear. Loaded the Unimog up with the staging and left it at The Arena. Back home by 3.00pm. No room to sit down because the sitting room was full of sound gear, lights and drums.
I went to work on Monday - but I don't remember much about it. After work we took the staging back to The Arts Centre, took the Unimog back to her barn and went home. Phew!
See you all next year?
I took the Unimog to work on Friday, not your average commuter vehicle but there was method in my madness. At 4.00pm I finished work and drove to Colchester Arts Centre, where Mark had very kindly offered to hire us some AliDeck staging at a VERY reasonable price - thankyou Mark! Lolly and Baz helped to get the sections into the back of the Mog, and we then drove to The Arena and started to unload and assemble the stage. Andy, Nigel and Ros turned-up at about 8.00pm, just as the stage was nearing completion, and they commenced to unload their sound rig and impressive lights.
We were hoping to make a start in the other room (Yellow Stage) but there was a function in there so we had to wait. We called it a day at 1.00am Saturday morning. Off home for a sleep.
Later that same morning... we were back at The Arena by 8.00am, only to find we were still unable to start setting-up the Yellow Stage because the disco equipment from the previous night's party was still there. We decided to concentrate on other things while someone contacted the owner. Thankfully, this wasn't required because the owner turned-up soon after and took all his stuff away. Martin, Tim, Brenda and Tim were there, lugging gear and being very helpful. Kayleigh arrived and she and Baz did complicated things with sound equipment.
Midday approached, we were starting to apply the finishing touches and people were already turning-up! Lolly completed her kool display of big posters in the foyer and Andrea and Frankie manned reception.
Jackdaw2 is go!
Krankschaft kicked-off the proceedings on the Green Stage. I went off to find a video camera, came back and filmed one track. I then went over to the Yellow Stage, where Meson had just started their set. It sounded good so I filmed a number by them as well. The video camera then died. Oops! No more filming for me then. Bands were arriving thick and fast, but Tim was worried that the next group on his stage weren't on the scene yet. They soon turned-up though, and everything was calm again (for a few minutes at least).
The next act I managed to catch was The Higher Craft, whose drummer gave our drum kit such a severe beating I thought it wouldn't survive. It did - just - and he told me afterwards that it was a nice kit.
Next up was Mark Jenkins, playing on iPads. He also jammed with the next group, Mother Sky. I seemed to be catching snippets only, but what I did manage to hear was really good.
I decided to actually stop and listen to some music at this point, so I went back to the Green Stage and watched Underground Zer0 take the stage. I had joked with their drummer beforehand that he had too many drums, but he used them all to full effect up there and, along with the rest of the band, they gave us a real treat. I didn't manage to catch all of their set though, because we lost a volunteer at this point and I had to find cover. This done, I went back and caught the end of a truly awesome set. I had to then confess to a very sweaty drummer that he didn't have too many drums!
More running around and I was forced to eat something (first time today) in the backstage area with some of the performers and crew. We then asked Irvine The Space Bard to draw raffle tickets for us. Prizes were CDs and T-shirts donated by the bands, plus a Jackdaw T-shirt signed by everyone. A few more bits and pieces to do and Space Ritual were starting their set. I thought it'd be a good idea to put on the Jackdaw costume, which Lolly had made to promote the event. I wasn't prepared for what happened next though: just as I was making my way through the audience Nik Turner asked me to join him on stage for "Ejection" - so I was led up onto the stage in the outfit. I couldn't see a thing and it was So HOT! Note to self: the next Jackdaw head needs to be a bit lighter, or don't wear it when The Mighty Thunder Rider is around. I could feel someone touching me while I was up there; I just hope it was Angel, he he!
I got back into the audience and took off the outfit having lost a few kilos in sweat. Space Ritual finished their set and it was goodnight everyone.
Backstage for some thank-yous and a surprise birthday cake for a friend of ours. People started to drift away and Andy's team started to dismantle their gear. We got to bed at about 3.45 Sunday morning.
Back at The Arena by 9.00am - looking like zombies. One or two people had camped in the car park, and one very helpful chap offered to help us clear up. We dismantled the stage and made a few trips back and forth with gear. Loaded the Unimog up with the staging and left it at The Arena. Back home by 3.00pm. No room to sit down because the sitting room was full of sound gear, lights and drums.
I went to work on Monday - but I don't remember much about it. After work we took the staging back to The Arts Centre, took the Unimog back to her barn and went home. Phew!
See you all next year?